Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Pink musk mallow

Pink musk mallow
Pinkie pink!

A pink musk mallow (Malva moschata) shows off its pinkness. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Berry very purple

Rubus occidentalis - Black Raspberry
Red and black berries

A black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis) bush shows its red and black (more like a very, very dark purple with red) berries.

red and black black raspberries grouping
Black is better

This cluster of black raspberries show the different stages of ripeness.  The darkest berries are the ripest and the sweeter and juicier they be.  The red, not so at all, even though they resemble ripe red raspberries.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Caterpillar and flower

That must have been a long crawl to get to a flower so tall.
caterpillar on flower
What is that?

The flower - maybe an echinacea?  The caterpillar - maybe a skipper butterfly?
flower with caterpilalr close up
Feeding on flowers

If you can identify the flower and /or the caterpillar, post a comment.  This unexpected find was seen in a field of flowers in southern Quebec, near the middle of the Vermont border with Quebec.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Rod in place

bar on barndoor
Barn door barred
An "L" rod through the eye keeps this barn door firmly closed.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Sprinkler connection

new auto spkr conenction
Two by two

An automatic sprinkler fire department connection has been installed next to the existing vent and outside water hose connection.   The connection allows the fire department to supply additional water and / or pressure to the building sprinkler system.