Saturday, February 26, 2022

Right there

Nail head survey marker

There it is!  Right there!

Bright fluorescent paint and a triangle shape are used to make it easy to locate this survey marker that is embedded in the sidewalk beneath our feet.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Colors in the clouds

Iridescent clouds

Irisation pastels

Sunlight diffracted by the thin clouds reveals the pastel colors of cloud iridescence caused by the small and uniform sized ice crystals within.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

WTG service call

As more and more wind turbine generators are raised and rotated, they also require periodic servicing to keep them spinning.  A trio of cranes provide the technicians with the gusto to give this WTG the "check the generator and the blades" once over it needed.

WTG Ports., RI

Portsmouth One WTG

Some numbers for this Vensys V82 WTG:
  • tower height (the "stick") = approx. 279 feet (85 meters)
  • blade length (one blade) = approx. 135 feet (41 meters)
  • height (with one blade vertical) = approx. 414 feet (126 meters)
  • crane height (as pictured) = approx. 300 feet (91 meters)
For the stereographers, this scene

WTG 3d stereograph

Vensys V82 WTG in 3d

is rendered as a relaxed view 3d stereogram.

These photos were taken about 330 feet (101 meters) from the base of the stick in order to capture the full view.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Telephone in the grass

telephone utility cover


This 34 x 35 diamond pattern TELEPHONE utility cover is located in the midst of a broad grassy area seen beneath our feet.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Red door

Red door in grey wall

What's behind door color "Red"?

The newly painted in red door stands out against the grey of the granite walls that surround it.  

One notes that the granite blocks around the door are all cut clean and squarely; the remainder of wall is composed of rubble blocks.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Evening parhelion

Sun dog at sun set

Just before sunset

Ice crystal laden clouds in the western sky precipitated a sun dog at sunset; the still waters reflect the rainbow.