Friday, May 29, 2020

Door and ramp

No cars! 

No parked automobiles allows this shaded sidewalk scene to be fully enjoyed.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Rosy pink

Rose bush in bud and flower

Walking past a garden, this blooming rose bush beckoned to be smelled.  HTML still does not support the <smell> tag, so a photograph will have to do until it does.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Building on blue

A blue sky, a blue building...

Building "en bleu"

 grass in the foreground, and, all done.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Patient pickup

This pickup truck of unknown make and model patiently awaits its restoration. 

Head on view

Three quarters frontal off the drivers side 

Even in its present condition, this pickup truck attracts looks.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ford 1951 coupe

This 1951 Ford coupe is dressed in Cherry Red, with extra Glossy on top.

Sinister view

High full frontal

Full frontal on the down low

Seven eights dexter view 

Dexter three quarter view 

There does not seem to be one straight line on this customized classic two door Ford coupe from 1951.  If there is, it is done on a curve.