Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Skipper on a leaf

A flighty butterfly that does not sit still long enough to be photographed does one and gets the other.

Rubus phoenicolasius leaf with Poanes zabulon
Zabulon skipper

This Poanes zabulon takes a break on a Rubus phoenicolasius leaf.

Wineberry leaf with zabulon skipper
Poanes zabulon

This wineberry leaf provides a rest area for a zabulon skipper.


  1. What contrast - orange and browns against the green!

  2. They were very "obvious" when they landed on those leaves. You could not miss them.

  3. Another skipper can barely be seen here:

    https://skeetmotis.blogspot.com/2017/10/ready-for-my-close-up.html Ready for my close-up
