Saturday, January 25, 2020

Cement caps


"C" is for "cemented over"

Most underground liquid storage tanks have been moved  above ground due to many considerations.  Their  fill pipes are often left in ground and serve as vivid reminders of what once was.

FUEL-OIL fill pipe

The eleven o'clock side of this FUEL-OIL fill pipe makes good use of a vertically stretched sans serif font to provide legibility.  At five o'clock is the barely legible "-35" portion of what could be a part or type number for this fill cap.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Encased in cement

Seen in the street beneath our feet, the iron that is encased within this cement sidewalk is leaching out as rust.

 Encased in concrete

 One wonders what is enrobed within the sidewalk to cause this?

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Still wet

Upheaval asphalt crack

Although the rain had stopped hours before, the lower areas of this blank faced manhole cover are still wet while the raised portions are drying.  The cracked asphalt seems to add a certain energy to this scene that was seen in the street beneath our feet.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Squares and bricks

 Square diamond 22 x 22 - 16 x 16 cover

This 22 x 22 square diamond manhole cover has a 16 x 16 square diamond inset.  If they were aligned, the diamonds in the two parts would match up.  The cover is outlined by several different brick paving patterns:  stack bond, 45 degree herringbone, and circle.  

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Gas test duo

A freshly poured sidewalk, neat labeling, and a coat of paint - but the cement spattered onto the cover makes for a less than perfect job. 

Freshly spattered

This gas test cover, made by Gardener Box, sports a sans serif font to indicate the cover function.

Gardener Box GAS TEST cover

Both of these gas test covers were scene in the street be neat our feat.