Friday, September 15, 2017

Pink door

Pink with blue peeking through

The gutting renovations of the closed bowling alley mean this pink door will soon be no more.


  1. You know, I am looking and looking at that image, and I want to say something, but that is so, SO good, I cannot add anything.

  2. I like how the sunlight just outlines the bottom and left side of the door way. Your timing is simply great!

    p.s. You must have spent weeks and weeks getting that lighting just so.

  3. Weeks? Ha! I have been shooting that for about two years now.

  4. Yes, on and off. This particular photo was taken recently as an afterthought: "I am here, might as well take a photo.". It turns out to be the one.

  5. The wall is lit at such a slant that it showing a lot of texture and just a little color. Mostly, the wall is in the shadow. The sidewalk is ablaze in light, and that light is reflected into the doorway, lighting it, but not harshly. Just all around great lighting! And, good timing on your part!
